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"If you're one of the hundred-million people who loved the musical, you'll love the movie even more."
- Joel Siegel, "Good Morning America"/ABC-TV

"The film looks and sounds fabulous... it's an extraordinarily fine document of the show. Of course, it's a different animal to the stage show ans as consequence I've written several minutes of new music, but it doesn't threaten the integrity of the show in any way. Joel Schumaher has taken the same material and made it into a wonderful film version. It's not at all based on the theatre visually or direction wise, but it's still got exactly the same essence... if anything it's expanded it and given it perhaps an even deeper emotional centre."
- Andrew Lloyd Webber

"Andrew's music is lush and searingly romantic, and the story is a great love storym but it's also dark, it's hot a Gothic horror side to it, and that appealed to me. I think above all Andrew's version really makes the Phantom much more of a tragic lover, a sensitive romantic, not just a creature of horror and fear. Christine's relationship with Raoul is really her romantic awakening as a teenager. But I think that her pull towards the Phantom is very sexual, very deep, soulful union."
- Joel Schumacher

"It was a big job for me, it was a lot of hard work, it was a lot of pressure. But I cilt myself making it. And now I'm here. And I think the harder you work for it the more special it is."
- Gerard Butler

"I think it's everythng thatit could be ever been really. I mean spectacular, in some choose in exciting, but scary and sexy and really in heart felt. So I'm really proud of it."
- Emmy Rossum

"We kept the spirit of musical on stage. But naturally because of doing it on film, you have to certainly release. And there is a lot of these that Andrew wish they could be done in the show 18 years ago. So I think they'll be pleased. I mean to hear the music done like this will please any fan. To have hundred piece orchestra in here this music so lush and so huge is really really great."
- Patrick Wilson

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